Hooray, 3 albums arrived today! The seller was really fast to ship this. I just made the payment yesterday and I received it this afternoon. Awesomeness! :D
Very nicely packaged. All my babies are safe. :)
One of the albums I bought was SHINee's Lucifer (Ver. A). I said before I wanted to buy this and here it is. Cost me around RM56.
I kinda like the cover of the album. Can't say I like much about the inside because from what I heard the pages inside can be easily ripped off if you don't be careful with them.
Some of the pictures in the album. Ahh, Minho's abs~
Disc 1
01. UP & DOWN
02. Lucifer
03. Electric Heart
04. A-Yo
05. Obsession
06. Quasimodo
02. Lucifer
03. Electric Heart
04. A-Yo
05. Obsession
06. Quasimodo
07. Shout Out
09. Your Name
10. Life
11. Ready or Not
12. Love Pain
13. Love Still Goes On
09. Your Name
10. Life
11. Ready or Not
12. Love Pain
13. Love Still Goes On
I heard all of the songs already since I have their Hello Repackaged album. So my favourites are pretty much the same; Lucifer, A-Yo, Quasimodo and Ready or Not. :)
Now to the main reason why I bought the album.... THE PHOTOCARD~
I was keeping my fingers crossed while flipping through the pages, hoping I would get Minho's card because he's my favourite member. And guess what?
I was literally jumping around while squeaking like a fangirl (trying not to scare my housemates) lol. This is the first Minho card I got. Hopefully I will get more of him in their future albums. :)
That's basically it for this album. Unfortunately I didn't get the poster for this one. The seller is selling it separately from the album and I have to add RM15 for the poster. I'm thinking of buying it some other time along with the other official posters I haven't got.
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